Cracks in glass tile mosaics are sometimes the result of poor installation practices.
The exterior of this spa experienced failure of the glass tile mosaic installation due to poor shotcrete (aka: gunite) installation and the lack of interior waterproofing.
The homeowner complained about cracks through the exterior of the Oceanside Glass Tile Mosaics veneer. However, a close inspection of the glass tile revealed that there were signs of water migration from behind the tile.
Efflorescence is visible in cracks between tiles. In every location of a vertical crack in the field of the tiles, they just so happened to align with the spa jets on the interior of the spa.
It was suspected that the shotcrete process failed to fully encapsulate the myriad of plumbing behind the spa jet, resulting in a void within the wall. Poor supervision and preparation practices failed to identify these voids.
Once filled with water, the spa began to leak. Water seeped around the circumference of the pipes, and collected in these voids. The voids also created weak spots on the exterior of the spa.
Eventually, the water made it to the exterior, highlighting small cracks with efflorescence.
(click on image to enlarge it)
An exploratory hole behind one of the jets confirmed a large pocket of loose shotcrete.
Quality Control
Had the pool builder supervised the shotcrete installation and exercised quality control, these voids would have never occurred.
Additionally, quality control inspections and shell preparations failed to identify or seal these areas.
Paolo Benedetti, SWD
Aquatic Artist, Watershape Consultant, Expert Witness, International Construction Management Contact the author at: or 408-776-8220 "Creating water as art."™
Aquatic Technology Pool and Spa© ©
All rights reserved.
The exterior of this spa experienced failure of the glass tile mosaic installation due to poor shotcrete (aka: gunite) installation and the lack of interior waterproofing.
The homeowner complained about cracks through the exterior of the Oceanside Glass Tile Mosaics veneer. However, a close inspection of the glass tile revealed that there were signs of water migration from behind the tile.
(click on image to enlarge it)
Poor installation caused vertical cracks in Oceanside Glass Mosaic Tile.
It was suspected that the shotcrete process failed to fully encapsulate the myriad of plumbing behind the spa jet, resulting in a void within the wall. Poor supervision and preparation practices failed to identify these voids.
Once filled with water, the spa began to leak. Water seeped around the circumference of the pipes, and collected in these voids. The voids also created weak spots on the exterior of the spa.
Eventually, the water made it to the exterior, highlighting small cracks with efflorescence.
(click on image to enlarge it)
Hollow pocked in shotcrete cause Oceanside Glass Tile Mosaic failure.
Quality Control
Had the pool builder supervised the shotcrete installation and exercised quality control, these voids would have never occurred.
Additionally, quality control inspections and shell preparations failed to identify or seal these areas.
Paolo Benedetti, SWD
Aquatic Artist, Watershape Consultant, Expert Witness, International Construction Management Contact the author at: or 408-776-8220 "Creating water as art."™
Aquatic Technology Pool and Spa© ©
All rights reserved.