Sunday, September 23, 2012

Dr. Paolo Benedetti, Swimming Pool Construction Expert, Dr. Pool-ology

Expert Witness, "Dr. Paolo Benedetti" who specializes in the forensic investigation of failed Swimming Pools, discusses specialized training required to become a "Dr. of Pool-ology."

Paolo Benedetti, Swimming Pool Construction Expert, "Dr. Poolology"

What does it take to earn a Dr. Poolology degree?  Become Certified by the Society Of Watershape Designers (SWD).

But as in any professional trade, someone who has been practicing for decades is usually more proficient than a recently credentialed rookie.  The same applies to the swimming pool design and construction professions.


Obtaining a professional credential involves major investments.  Investments in time, money and lost income.  In business school this is called an "opportunity cost."  The student is foregoing earning income (the lost opportunity) to attend courses, in addition to the travel, lodging, food and course expenses.

But earning a professional credential illustrates to the industry and to consumers that this person is serious about their chosen profession.  They are willing to invest in themselves, in order to provide a better service to their clients.

Society of Watershape Designers

The curriculum of the Society of Watershape Designers is the ONLY accredited program of it's kind in the world.  Though there are a few other programs in the swimming pool industry, none is an accredited program - PERIOD.

Collegiate Level Courses

The courses in the curriculum of the Society of Watershape Designers are taught by college professors, college educated professionals or trades people with decades of experience - many times they are a combination of the above. They are not taught by the sales or marketing staff of a manufacturer.  Each courses requires a passing score on the exit examination - not the mere presence of a warm body playing on their I-Phone.  Each course is 24-40 hours long - similar to the requisite hours of university courses.

Course of Study

Just like in college there are mandatory "core" classes, followed by electives.  And like any professional certification, continuing professional education, within or external to the SWD, is required to maintain one's certification.


In the swimming pool industry there is a very select group of individuals who have taken their education and craft lightyears beyond that of their closest peers.  Those individuals are the Platinum Members of the Genesis 3 Design Group.

In addition to possessing their SWD Certification, this select group has demonstrated a track record of exemplary execution in aquatic design.  They have opened the finances of their business to review, provided references from past clients, permitted peer reviews and site inspections of prior projects, submitted plans and photographic documentation as to their construction practices and have pledged their strict adherence to the highest possible standards in design, construction and ethics.

Paolo Benedetti is proud to be a member of the first group of people to obtain their SWD Certification (#009) and a Platinum Member of the Genesis 3 Design Group - since it's inception.

Don't be silly - there's really no such thing as a Dr. Pool-ology degree.  But, an SWD certification is as close as the pool industry has come.

Paolo Benedetti - Aquatic Artist, Consultant & Construction Defect Expert Witness
"Creating water as art."™
Aquatic Technology Pool and Spa

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Defective Infinity or Vanishing Edge Swimming Pool Expert

Defective Infinity or Vanishing Edge Swimming Pool Expert Witness Paolo Benedetti discusses the importance of using project specific structural engineering and geotechnical reports.

Generic or Project Specific Engineering?

Generic structural engineering fills a void in the concrete swimming pool construction market by providing cost effective "ready made" and "off the shelf" engineering.  These plans are sufficient for most tract home pools with a flat yard and no surcharges.

Project specific engineering is structural engineering that has been designed FOR YOUR SPECIFIC PROJECT.  This means that the experts have consulted with each other and have designed something that will economically function on your site.

The Dangers of using Generic Engineering

The publishers of generic structural engineering provide a catalog or on-line listing of their various plans and construction details.  This allows the pool builder to select the products that they need & rapidly receive the plans.  Therein lies the whole problem...  the pool builder SELECTS  the engineering, the strengths and what is required.

Soil Conditions

Though the plans are engineered, each is contains details unique to the soil conditions.  Standard plans are designed to accommodate various types of expansive soils.  Many contain three to four various steel schedules, based upon the soil condition on the construction site.  Who determines the soils conditions on the site and the resulting strength of shell to use?   The pool builder, of course.

Without obtaining a soils report (aka: geotechnical report) prior to construction, then your pool builder will select the appropriate (or inappropriate) engineering.  There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY to determine the soil conditions without a soils report.   

Site Conditions

Generic mail order plans also do not take into consideration the "site conditions" on a construction project.  The structural engineer has not reviewed the topography of the site to determine if any surcharges are present.  A surcharge is something that can potentially place stress upon the pool structure.  Surcharges can be nearby up slopes, down slopes, buildings, structures, lakes, retaining walls, surf, snow, wind or even seismic events.

Without a structural engineering review of the project plan, soils report, topographical map and site images, the responsibility of identifying these surcharges is left to the pool builder.  Even if they do identify potential surcharges, do you really want them determining the amount of surcharge?  Are you confident that they identified ALL of the potential surcharges?


Generic engineering is designed to be a catch-all for all geographic regions where the mail order engineering firm is licensed.  This means that the plans may include structural elements that are not required in your local.  This all translates to unneeded additional cost for the buyer.  The plans may also omit items that may be required by local code or ordinance.

Additionally, these plans are only designed to meet the MINIMUM standards.  Though industry standards often utilize 4,500 or even 5,000 PSI concrete, these generic plans oftentimes only specify 2,500 PSI concrete.  

Why?  Because most pool builders who are utilizing mail order plans are cost conscience.  5000 PSI concrete costs more.  Concrete exceeding 2500 PSI also requires that the placement of the concrete be inspected by a special deputy inspector, and in some regions, a quality assurance testing laboratory.  Again, additional costs.  But why wouldn't you want these workmanship guarantees and quality assurances?

Correctly Utilizing Generic Engineering

If you plan on utilizing generic mail order engineering, then there are some things that must occur:

1.  A soils report for the construction site must be provided to the structural engineer.  Test borings must occur in the proposed locations of construction.
2.  The structural engineer must be provided site images, a topographical map and proposed project layout.
3.  The structural engineer must provide a letter or notations on the plans that they actually reviewed the soils report & make reference to the Soils Engineering Report, date and author.
4.  The soils engineer, then must review the generic mail order structural engineering and write a letter stating that they have reviewed the structural engineering and that they agree that the plans meet or exceed the requirements for the site.
5.  The structural steel should be inspected by the structural engineer to verify that the plans were followed.  This can be an in person inspection or through digital photographs.   An "inspection letter" should be obtained, stating that the structural engineer has reviewed and approved the steel placement.
6.  Minimum concrete strengths should be 4,500 PSI.
7.  An inspector should be present during all gunite/shotcrete placement.  Samples should be sent to a testing lab to verify that you're getting what you paid for.

Why not use Project Specific Engineering?

Since project specific engineering requires that the same steps be followed as using generic engineering correctly, why not just obtain project specific engineering?


Paolo Benedetti Aquatic Artist, Consultant & Construction Defect Expert Witness
"Creating water as art."™
Aquatic Technology Pool and Spa